Helping children grow through improved communication
Talk SALT, LLC is a pediatric speech and language private practice located in North Andover, Massachusetts. We are a group of caring, compassionate, and highly-trained speech and language therapists dedicated to improving the communication skills of our patients. Our goal is to improve your child’s social and emotional skills, and to help your child grow academically.
We perform comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and provide treatment to children with a variety of communication disorders. We work directly with children with speech and language disorders, including Apraxia, Asperger Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cluttering, Dyslexia, Expressive and Receptive Language Disorders, Language-Based Learning Disabilities, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, Phonological Disorders, Stuttering, and Voice Disorders.
Talk SALT, LLC is located near the corner of Rt. 114 and Rt. 125 in North Andover, Massachusetts, across the street from Bertucci’s and Merrimack College.
451 Andover St.
Suite 130
North Andover, MA